Thursday, February 25, 2010
Posted by: Jaime
Time: 11:19 PM
Comments: 0
81 best things in life, have you done it all?
人生最美好的 81 件事, 你還差多少件? - 81 most wonderful things in life,have you done it all?
規則 rules:√ = 已做過了 yes

01 戀愛 love
02 笑到彎腰  laugh like crazy √
03 洗個熱水澡 have a hot bath √
04 超市結帳不用排隊 No need to line up in the supermarket checkout line

05 一個特殊的眼神 a special or unusual glare/stare √
06 得到郵件 got a mail √
07 聽到收音機播放最喜歡的歌 heard the radio playing ur favorite song √
08 躺在床上聽屋外的雨聲 lying on the bed and listening to the sound of raindrops (how weird :S)
09 發現心儀的衣服半價出售 discover that the shirt you love is on sale for half price!
10 一個長途電話 a long distance call √ (of course.. almost everyday)
11 哈哈大笑 HAHA HAHA [a huge laugh] √
12 一次投緣的談話 First time meeting someone but it felt like you've known him/her since forever
13 去沙灘 go to the beach √ (I hated it though... never going back)
14 在去年穿過的冬裝外套裡找到$20鈔票 wearing ur old winter jacket and found $20 in it (O.O I wish)
15 自嘲 sarcasm at yourself √ (I didn't do a good job though...)
16 午夜煲電話粥數小時 talking on the phone for hrs at midnight √
17 毫無理由地大笑 laughing for no reason √
18 有人告訴你你很漂亮 someone told you that you are pretty
19 為心裡的笑話而發笑 laugh at the joke/funny thing that you have in mind √
20 有許多朋友 lots of friends
21 第一次墜入情網 crush on someone for the first time √
22 純屬偶然聽到別人誇自己 coincidentally heard others praising you
23 一覺醒來發現還可以睡上幾小時 woke up and realized that you have time to sleep for a few hrs more √
24 初吻 first kiss...
25 結交新朋友或與老朋友在一起 meet new friends or hang out with friends √
26 深夜不眠與室友聊天 stay up all night talking to your roommate √
27 有人撥弄你的頭髮 someone messed your hair up √
28 甜美的好夢 had a sweet dream √
29 和朋友結伴路上旅行 go on a trip with friend(s)
30 蕩鞦韆 go on a swing √ (love it :D)
31 與喜歡的人相擁在沙發上看一部精彩電影 watch a movie with your lover on a beach.. (how weird)
32 新買的歌碟裡印有歌詞, 唱歌不覺得傻冒 lyrics came with the new cd you bought, and you don't feel stupid when singing it √
33 去聽一場真正不賴的音樂會 go to a good concert
34 每次看到那個人心裡七上八下的感覺 you get butterflies in your stomach when you see a certain someone √
35 與一個可愛的陌生人目光相遇 looking at a cute stranger and he/she look back at you
36 贏得一場真正有競爭的比賽 won a fair competition √
37 看到朋友臉上的笑容, 聽到朋友開懷的笑聲 saw a smile on friend's faces and heard their laughter √
38 與很在乎的那個人牽手 holding hands with the person you like
39 碰到一個老朋友然後發現有些東西無論好壞從來不會改變 meet an old friend and notice that somethings never changes √
40 發現愛是沒有條件的, 比時間更經久 found that love is unconditional, and it's more durable than time
41 擁抱你所愛的人 hug the person you love √ (do friends count?)
42 觀察別人充滿期待地打開你的禮物時的表情 saw that your friend is very excited to open your present
43 看日出 watch sun rise √
44 早晨起床感謝老天又賜予你美好的一天 waking up in the morning and be thankful for a wonderful day √
45 擁有推心置腹的朋友可以哭訴自己最隱秘的問題 have really close friends to share secrets and problems √
46 聽一首令你有共鳴而流淚的歌 heard a song that made you cry because you felt the same way (well  I didn't cry... )
47 深夜睡不著悶死時遇上同樣是睡不著的友人 cant sleep at night and you are bored as hell, but you found a friend who couldn't sleep either
48 極疲倦的時候倒在床上抱頭大睡 you are so tired that you fell a sleep right away when you lye on the bed √
49 在藍天白雲下的草地上狂奔 run freely on the grass under the clear blue sky
50 曾經打上電台節目點唱給朋友或有朋友點唱給你 you requested a song on the radio for your friend or someone requested a song for you. √
51 有人認同自己 someone acknowledges you √
52 熱得很的時候, 可以吃著自己最喜歡之味道的雪糕 able to eat your favorite ice cream in hot summer weather √
53 銀行戶口憑自己努力第一次賺得五位數字 using your own effort to earn a five digits number in your bank account
54 有人跟你說話令你感動得哭起來 you are moved to tears by someone's words to you √
55 談過一場不後悔的戀愛 had a relationship with no regrets
56 情人給你弄過一餐飯, 不理味道如何你也窩心過 your lover cooked a meal for you and you love it no matter how it tasted
57 爸爸媽媽沒有怪責你, 縱使那次你做的那件是錯事 even thought you made a mistake, your parents didn't scold you √
58 曾經減肥成功 success in weight loss (I wish (; )
59 無論你遲到多少, 都有人願意等你 no matter how late you are, someone is still willing to wait for you
60 至少開過一次生日會 had at least one birthday party √
61 有人親手整禮物或蛋糕給你 someone made a present or a cake for you √
62 有人買到你的心頭好送給你 someone bought your favorite things and gave it to you
63 可以買回童年時最愛的玩具 able to buy your favorite toy in your childhood
64 男的曾經擁有一架玩具模型, 女的曾經擁有一個芭比 BOY: once had a toy model (car or robots etc.) GIRL: once had a barbie √
65 你最沮喪那刻, 撥一個電話有人就來了 you called your friend when you are down, and he/she will come in person to comfort you .
66 遊車河 cruising √
67 山頂看夜景 go to the peak and watch the night scenes
68 找到一個和你性格很相近很夾的朋友 have a friend that is very similar to you √
69 嬴 / 抽過一次大獎 won a draw
70 暑假上過自己真係有興趣既興趣班 attended a class of your interest that you enjoyed in summer holidays √
71 做過一份認為最舒服既暑期工 have a very nice summer job

72 嘗試過失而復得的滋味 had a feeling of regaining your lost from the past √
73 老師滔滔不絕地稱讚你的功課 teacher endlessly praised for your homework
74 看過流星許過願 wished upon a shooting star (I want that...)
75 可以食雞翼 ate chicken wings √
76 去好遠好遠之國家旅行 had a trip to a far far way country √ (not too far, but I think it counts.. )
77 **********************
78 同屋企人全家一齊去旅行 go on a trip with your whole family √
79 去外國讀書 study oversea √ (lol I'm doing it right now)
80 跟愛人吵架之後自動番搵你, only 講我愛你之後抱住你 after a fight in your relationship, he/she automatically comfort you, and hugged you after saying i love you

81 了解自己生存的意義或夢想 realized your dream or the reason to live

phew.. that took a while to translate... :P

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Posted by: Jaime
Time: 10:01 PM
Comments: 0
yet another entry where I express my feelings....
I just read Stacy's recent entry... don't be sad.. I feel the same way...
yes.. I'm always jealous of cute couples :P
Before semi, I imagined how nice it will be if I can dance with a guy in semi...
I know that it's not gonna happen..well.. I ended up getting a hug from a guy... lol that's something new :P
I've always wanted a boyfriend,, but I know right now is not the right time yet... so I've given up
now.. I'm just gonna focus in school...
Stacy, ur right... we probably all feel the same way.. just that we try to ignore it..
about the "her" that u are talking about... don't compare with her...
you are so much better than her. she flirts with guys, but guys don't even like her..
ok she got a hug from ur cousin.. so what.. he's just too scared to refuse her..
and yah.. you still have prom, don't be too upset :)
now... I have to vent about my life..
ok.. last entry, I mentioned how I feel that my sister is so much better than me.
maybe I was being a little stupid but whatever...
so now. my sister cannot stay with her best friend.
so if she's going to Vancouver, that means she has to go to home stay.
I think home stay is not a really good idea, because you don't even know the people ur living with..
so my mom suggested.. if she is going to home stay how about just go home stay in toronto..
I agreed to that.. but not my aunts..
they feel that my family is bringing them so much trouble..
they were like why is she coming... she can just stay in hk and find a better school...
then I said.. of course she tried, but none of those schools want her.. and there's not much good IB school in hk
they never understand .. all they say is no! we won't accept that!
have they ever consider our situation.. we don't want our family to be all separated... of course we want to stay together, but there's no choice...
if they are the one in hk and their kids have the same problem.. I bet they will ask for help too..
why is my family in hk and their families are in canada?
because they all left for their own benefit and we went back to hk because we need to take care of my grandma... I'm not saying that my grandparents are burdens, just that my grand parents are also their parents, don't they have the responsibility to take care of them.. pluse my mom is the youngest of them all.. should the oldest sibling be the one who have more responsibility? my aunt said that if my sister leave, then all the grandkids will be away from my grandparents.. yah.. me and my sister had that role for years and years.. why can't my aunt's kids go back and take over that role.. we can't just sacrifice everything because they don't care.. we have our own lives too
yah.. they feel like they sacrificed a lot and my mom owns them alot just cuz they are taking care of me..
honestly, I dont' even feel like I'm part of their family.. they talk behind my back and say all these shit loads of things.. it's more like I'm in home stay than in a family...
before when they wanted to buy a better house for my grand parents, they even want to use me and my sister's university tuition money to buy that freakin house!
ok.. their kids all went to university and they are all settled down.. but we are not... me and my sister need that money for our future, just like how their kids need their money for their university tuition..
they can't just take that away from us..
they say it's for my grandparents,, so that means I have no choice but just let them use that money...
lucky.. they can't finds a house YET!
they care for my grandparents,, just by giving them money .. then it's nothing..
they rarely talk to them and even visit them.. when ever they visit , they only stay for a few weeks..
I feel that it's so unfair..
we have to give up so much, but we didn't even ask for anything in return..
now we're just asking for a favor..
my sister is not even living in their house.. we just want them to include my sister during holidays and just help her and care for her when needed..
that's it...
sometimes i think... if they are the one in hk, they might have the same problem and they will ask us for help.. and I know we will say yes...
however... my aunts never think that way.. they only think of their own benifits... they are like .. ok.. there's only one more year of jaime and then I'm FREE!
then if my sister comes along.. they'll be like EWWW... ONE MORE!?
I know they dont' like us.
they are not considerate at all... (esp the one that I thought was nicer, the one that doesn't live with me)
ok.. that's it.. this entry is too long...
my aunt is asking me to take a shower now...
later :/

ps. ignore the bad grammar. I was mad, so I didn't bother with correct grammar.

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Posted by: Jaime
Time: 8:49 PM
Comments: 0
semi was great! :) 
I had so much fun with all my friends, even though my legs are soar now :P
everyone was high and crazy yesterday x)
I got home at 11:30 :P the latest ever :P

sweet despair :)
blah blah blah :P

country: canada and hk
birthday: Oct. 20
Host: Blogger
Layout: Indie Devotee
Done by: Victoria